At Prominent Insurance Services, Inc. we may not have the lowest price, but what you will appreciate most about us is:
- Our straight answers with a goal to educate our clients.
- Our professional & experienced staff of associates.
- Our ability to shop your rates with several (A) rated carriers.
- One stop shopping for all you insurance needs saving you time and money.
- Our exclusive Commercial Lines Specialists.
- Our exclusive Life and Financial Specialists.
- Our centralized customer service center for your insurance convenience.
Reasons To Have All Your Business With
Prominent Insurance Services.
- Discounts and Savings
- Most insurance companies provide savings when they handle multiple policies. Why not take advantage of all of the discounts available to you?
- Privacy Protection
- In this era of rampant identity theft, your confidential information is protected and accessible to only one agency. We have safeguards in place to protect your privacy.
- Save Time and Hassles
- You save time and money by having one agency that services and knows your account.Information can be shared within our agency to handle your needs in a time-efficient manner.
- Coordination of Coverage
- One agency that knows your entire situation can better coordinate your protection package to make sure the proper coverage is recommended so that there are no coverage gaps or duplications
- Coordination of Claims
- Having all of your coverage with our agency will allow for more efficient claims handling, especially in the event of a major loss. There are cases where multiple policies are affected (i.e. storm damage and flooding) and it is essential to have one agency help you coordinate the coverage provided by each policy.
- Qualify for Additional Protection
- By having multiple lines of coverage you can sometimes qualify for additional layers of coverage that would not otherwise be available to you (i.e. personal and commercial umbrella protection).
- Leverage
- An insurance company is more likely to grant exceptions and give a multi-line policyholder preferential treatment if you carry multiple policies.You have more clout and it may help you in the event you have an unfortunate claims history.
- We Are Local, Experienced and Have a Reputation for Excellence
We are accessible, and have an experienced and licensed staff. We look out for your protection.
Unlike a captive, or direct insurance company who only offers their own proprietary products, our agency is 100% independent of any one company. Many insurance consumers don’t fully understand just how important that really is. When it comes to something as important as insurance, it’s imperative that you work with an agency who has an in-depth knowledge of multiple insurance products, companies, and guidelines — not just one.
At the end of the day, what separates one agent from another, is their ability to proactively service their policy holders, and their knowledge of the insurance industry, products, and different situations that may present themselves to their clients.